Sri Sathya Sai International Veda Conference and Multi Faith Symposium Gets Underway In Prasanthi Nilayam…

If Atmic Knowledge is what man pursues as his Ultimate-Goal, beyond his most subtle instincts, then the Vedas are the bedrock of this Atma Vidya and thus man’s best and most reliable ally. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai, Who in no uncertain terms made it clear by way of subtle hints that His Is The Most Unique – One Off – Avataric Phenomenon, has chosen the ‘Renaissance Of The Vedas’ as a premier objective of His mission, declaring: “The arrival of the Lord is anxiously awaited by saints and sages. Sadhus prayed and I have come. My main tasks are fostering of the Vedas and fostering of the devotees…” Marching on, the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, India and Worldwide are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to spreading the Vedic message of Sri Sathya Sai. And thus born the concept of the first-ever Sri Sathya Sai International Vedic Conference.
Today is a marked day in the annals of Prasanthi Nilayam. Taking a cue from the Divine injunctions of Vedic Renaissance, practising His injunction of Sanathana Dharma, the first-ever Sri Sathya Sai International Veda Conference & Multi Faith Symposium 2017 got underway this morning here, in Prasanthi Nilayam. Hon’ble Governor of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Sri ESL Narasimhan was the Chief Guest for the momentous occasion.
The proceedings commenced at 0810 hrs with a vocal rendering by the students of SSSIHL encompassing the hymns of different faiths of the world, entitled GOD IS ONE. Oneness was the soul-theme, and the rendering turned out to be a crystal clear resonance of His Voice that humanity have heard time and again, advocating the ‘Oneness’ of humanity, that, God Is One.
A massive rally on the theme ‘Vasudaiva Kudumbakam’ ensued next, participated by different folks, namely, representatives from 20 Indian states, Balvikas, Balvikas alumni, students of Sathya Sai Schools pan-India, mahilas, sevadals, students from SSSIHL campuses as well as representatives from 42 different countries. This was followed by an introduction of the various religious leaders participating in the 2-day Conference and Symposium.
Sri Nimish Pandya, President, SSSSO – India then delivered the welcome address, welcoming the Chief Guest, various religious leaders, participants and devotees in general.
Today is the day when we stand commit to living in action, living His message, said the President stressing on the importance of following each one’s faith most righteously, religiously, irrespective of the faith one belongs to. Delivering an inspirational rhetoric, extensively quoting Bhagawan, the President said that, sermons are not important, but practice is, highlighting on the mandate of Bhagawan to practise His dictum of Brotherhood Of Man and Fatherhood Of God. Vasudaiva Kudumbakam, One United Universal Family, is our aim at the end of the Conference and Symposium, concluded Sri Nimish Pandya on a positive note.
Sri Subramaniam Gorthi, All India Veda Coordinator then presented an overview of the two-day event in the offing.
A book release on the event, a compilation of 92 selected ‘pearls’ of Bhagawan, ‘Sri Sathya Sai Vedamrutam’, by the SSSSO – India was the next event, done by senior Trust and Organisational officials.
Dr V Mohan, Member, SSSCT then elucidated on the theme of ‘Importance Of Multi Faiths’. Being a researcher par-excellence, Dr Mohan spoke on the difference between Multi-Faith and Interfaith, urging fellow devotees to respect and accept every other religion. Followers of Bhagawan has to be of Multi- Faith, if one truly believes in Sathya Sai. Quoting Bhagawan extensively in support of his theme, Dr Mohan zeroed in to Bhagawan’s magical dictum, Love All Serve All, that being the final panacea. How work becomes true worship, practising His dictum ‘Hands That Help Are Holier Than The Lips That Pray’, explained Dr Mohan, narrating a beautiful experience of his own happened in his Diabetic Hospital at Chennai.
Hon’ble Chief Guest Sri ESL Narasimhan then addressed the august assembly inaugurating the two-day Veda Conference and Multi Faith Symposium. Quoting the Vedic dictum ‘Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudha Vadanti’, the Governor exhorted everyone to understand the Ultimate Goal, that being Liberation. One has to respect different paths and faiths and recognise them as valid as long as they do not extinguish the flame of unity, said the Governor quoting Bhagawan, urging on the greater need of the day, Unity. Speaking on the essence of ‘Veda Ghoshanam’, mass recitation of the Veda, the Governor observed that Bhagawan’s vision on the same has come to reality today. The Moment Of Glory Is With Us, Today, exerted the Governor. The Governor’s talk was a spiritual thesis based on Bhagawan’s teachings and scriptural revelations, all in support of the present day’s theme of the relevance of Vedas and Multi Faiths. The Governor concluded chanting the Universal Mahamantra, ‘Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavanatu’.