The individual goals of members will be aligned to the mission of Toastmasters International : Pant

Dehradun. Presiding over the joint meeting of two Toastmasters clubs in Dehradun, Bharat Pant, Registrar IMS Unison University Dehradun said, “I welcome you all to the first meeting after my assuming the responsibility of the President of Toastmasters Club. I and my other colleagues in the executive committee will focus on the growth of each member. The individual goals of members will be aligned to the mission of Toastmasters International. I seek full cooperation and participation of all in our journey together for the next six months.”
The founding Club President Harry Sethi, now Division Director for Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Nepal, said, “I welcome TM Bharat Pant and Dr. Tejasvi Kamra as Presidents of the Toastmasters clubs in Dehradun. I wish them and other members of the Executive Committees the best of luck in taking the clubs to higher levels of excellence. I am also very happy to announce that TM Richa Jain has been appointed as Area Director, Division I, District 41, Toastmasters International for 2017-18. I look forward to working closely with Richa and 2 Area Directors based in Nepal to spread the benefits of Toastmasters clubs in the entire Division.”
The meeting was conducted by TM Himanshu Joshi as Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD). He said, “I chose responsibility as theme of today’s meeting because I want us to realize that we must fulfil our responsibility in whatever positions we are placed. As members of the Toastmasters clubs we play different roles. We should play those roles in a very responsible manner for our own growth as well as for the benefit of other members. Even as citizens of the country we have certain responsibilities that we should fulfil. Only then we can expect to enjoy our rights.”
TM Dr. Tejasvi Kamra, President of Doon Valley Toastmasters club said, “Harry Sethi brought Toastmasters Clubs to Dehradun in 2015. He has now entrusted the responsibility of the club to me as its President. I would like to assure him that I in collaboration with other members of the Executive Committee would do our best to increase the membership of the club. We would also endeavour to provide enriching experience to all members of the club.”
TM Manish Jain conducted the impromptu section of the meeting as the Table Topic Master (TTM). Many guests and Toastmasters got an opportunity to speak on a topic given by the TTM. TM Harry Sethi was the General Evaluator. Dr. Meenu Goyal Chaudhary and Bharat Pant were speech Evaluators. Prepared speeches were delivered by Toastmasters Richa Jain and Anand Chaudhary.
The next meeting of the club will be held on 9th July.
Key Words : Uttarakhand, Dehradun, Toastmasters Club, Meeting